Transcopy Digital



White, Canary, Pink, Goldenrod

Heavier basis weight with increased stiffness
Precise moisture levels
Formulated specifically for copiers
Dynamic black image
Available perfed on top edge
Available perfed on side

Provides smooth, jam-free runnability through high-speed copiers
Resists curling during heat-intensive process
Prevents capsule damage from the pressure of fuser rollers


CB / Coated Back
Top ply of a multi-part business form. Its upper surface is not coated. Its lower surface has a coating of microscopic capsules containing colorless dye. When pressure or impact fractures the capsules, the dye is released to react with the sheet of Carbonless Paper below it having a CF top surface. The image is formed on the CF surface.

CFB / Coated Front and Back
The CFB sheet is used for all plies of a carbonless form between the top and bottom plies. The under-surface of each CFB sheet is coated with dye capsules (CB coating). The upper surface (CF) reacts with the colorless dye released from fractured capsules to produce the image.

CF / Coated Front
The CF sheet is used as the bottom ply of a multi-part form. The CF sheet can receive the image from the CB surface of the sheet above it, but it does not transmit the image nor is there a sheet below it in the form.

SC / Self-Contained
Carbonless Paper containing both the CB dye capsules and the CF receptor coating on the upper surface of the same sheet, Self-contained Carbonless Paper can be used to create a carbonless copy when used as a second ply below almost any kind of Paper.